Jinja No Susume
A peek at the life at a Shinto shrine, mostly centered around one Satomi Shinjirou, who's on the path to becoming a priest after his brother skipped out on that. Kind of a love story (there are several of those in it, actually), but it's more about the people who work at a modern-day shrine and the circumstances they have to deal with.It's even somewhat educational at times. But don't tell anyone.
From Girls' Generation Scanlations:It’s been three years since Himawari lost his parents. One day, feeling particularly annoyed about having to live with his relatives, Himawari finds himself visiting a shrine. He soon learns that it is an unusual shrine with unusual people such as the shady guy, Kaminaga, and the priestess, Maru (who actually is a goddess). Soon, he becomes an acquaintance of this weird crowd and winds up helping them to grant their worshippers’ wishes. While all the time he was working to grant others’ wishes, his wish remained ungranted. However...